This is a typical looking house out in the country side. Province: Herrera.

This is my friend Coco´s(another volunteer) house. Province: Cocle.

Coco´s site, you can find waterfalls like this all throughout the country. Province: Cocle.

My friend Jake who lives in the middle of the rainforest off a giant river. Province: Colon.

Jake´s site again. The man is from one of the Indigenous populations in Panama called Embera. Province: Colon.

Another indigenous group called Wounaan. Province: Darien.

This is from a volunteer´s site who lives on an island. Province: Bocas del Toro.

More pics of the island community. Province: Bocas del Toro.

Beach in Bocas del Toro. Province: Bocas del Toro.

A traditional foclorico Panamanian dance in a volunteer´s site. Province: Cocle.

A traditional foclorico Panamanian dance in a volunteer´s site. Province: Cocle.

Kids in a parade for Independence day in Novemeber. Province: Cocle.

Kids in a parade for Independence day in Novemeber. Province: Cocle.

Kids in a parade for Independence day in Novemeber. Province: Cocle.

My friend Adam who we call the cowboy. He´s a character. Province: Veraguas.

Province: Comarca Ngobe-Bugle.

Province: Comarca Ngobe-Bugle.

Province: Comarca Ngobe-Bugle.

Province: Comarca Ngobe-Bugle.

Carnaval 2008!! Province: Herrera.

Carnaval 2008!! Province: Herrera.

Carnaval 2008!! Province: Herrera.

Carnaval 2008!! Province: Herrera.

Carnaval 2008!! Province: Herrera.

Lastly, this is a view from a volunteer´s back porch. It´s pretty ridiculous. Province: Colon.
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