I am labeled in peace corps as a follow-up volunteer because there was a peace corps vounteer in my site before I arrived. The peace corps volunteer before me helped form a Girl Scouts group so many people in my town have encouraged me to help out with the group. Honestly, I am little hesitant to help out because I am a guy but they invited me to go with them this week to do some social work to donate a bunch of clothes and take food to a poorer community nearby. The city council man from town also came along with us. By the way many people in my town are not as poor as most communities in Panama. Well, poor in the sense of that they are not starrving for food some of the people in my town would be labeled as middle class and are ok to well off relatively speaking. But on the other hand these girls don´t have much and are donating and helping out the little that they have to those less fortunate.

San Pablo River which is about 10 minutes from where I live.

There´s also an awesome river right by this community thats about 10 minutes from where I live. Oh yeah there was these kids that just wanted me to keep taking photos of them nonstop. You will see...

Some of the kids that couldn´t get enough of the camera.

The kids couldn´t get enough of the camera.

Especially this guy.

The Girl Scouts passing out food to the community.

This is where they cooked the food for lunch.

A mom asked me to take a picture of her little baby.

The girls passing out clothes to the kids.
1 comment:
I'm always amazed how generous Panamanians are- even when they themselves have very little.
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