The Christmas tree that my friends and I had and the gifts we had for our small gift exchange.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays especially a Happy New Years and I wish everyone the best for 2008. For me this has been an interesting year in many regards and is the first time in my life that I haven´t spent the holidays my family and friends. I have been reflecting a lot about family and what that means ( and I include my friends as part of family many have you and you know who you are have been like family to me) to me and how important family really is. I think I haven´t taken for granted a little my family and friends over the last few years because I see them so much and think they are always going to be there. But as I am here in Panama without any of you I understand a little better that you really have to appreciate your family and friends always because you never know when they are going to gone. But anyways don´t want to make this e-mail too sappy but I miss you all and I am having a great time here in Panama. I enjoyed a good Christmas with my Peace Corps friends and celebrated the New Years with my host family.

The view we had from the house we rented for Christmas in El Valle de Anton. It has to be one of the greenest places I´ve ever been to in Panama.

The house we rented for Christmas in El Valle de Anton.

Having some fun with friends at Christmas!
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